Potomac News Online | Fort Belvoir slated for new hospital
Fort Belvoir may be getting a new and larger hospital under recommendations released this morning by the Base Realignment and Closure committee.
“In order to balance the medical requirements of the 21st Century, a large hospital will be built at Fort Belvoir,” said Gen. Richard Cody, vice chief of staff for the Army.
The Belvoir hospital will be the second and the smaller of two proposed new hospitals for the Metropolitan Washington, D.C., area.
A new Walter Reed Army Medical Center will be built near the current National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.
Walter Reed, located in Washington, D.C., will continue to operate while the new facility is being built, Cody said.
The combination of the new Walter Reed center and the Bethesda center will be called the National Medical Regional Center.
The BRAC recommendations are the first step in a long process before any decisions are made in Washington.
There are about 400,000 military service members and family members in the Metropolitan area
Aileen M. Streng