The Manassas Journal Messenger On-line Classifieds
/**/ Board to dedicate learning center: Former chairman to be honored By Tiffany Schwab Staff Writer MANASSAS – The school board will officially dedicate the Joseph B. Johnson Learning Center at 4:30 p.m. today. The center, which houses the school system’s alternative education program, is located next to Osbourn High School on Tudor Lane….
Travel Virginia: Guide to going places Virginia’s Fall Festivals Add Fun to the Foliage Return to main page Spirited tours Courtesy of the Virginia Tourism Corporation September, 2004 With 15.8 million acres of forestland (an amount larger than the total acreage of some states), Virginia adds color to the color of fall. In addition to…
Sun. November 12, 2006 HOME NEWS Local/Virginia Nation/World Weather Sports Business Opinion Obituaries Classified Search All Ads HomeSeeker CarSeeker CareerSeeker Place an Ad Lifestyle Features Entertainment Celebrations Health & Science Religion Discover Prince William Travel & Recreation Services Contact Us Subscriber Services Partners In Education Work Here Deliver for…
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/**/ Bypass study stalls Virginia budget By Alfred M. Biddlecomb Staff Writer RICHMOND – Debate over the state budget took an interesting turn Thursday as lawmakers in the Senate shifted attention from the car tax to a small paragraph added to the $50 billion spending plan that could delay studies for the proposed Western Transportation…
October 11, 2007 This ‘Merchant’ will appeal to Shakespeare experts Kyle Ridley Cracking the classic linguistic code tends be a test of concentration whenever taking part in a revived Shakespearean production. If not familiar with the storyline, it is easy to get puzzled by the dialogue or lose focus of plot…