Manassas Journal Messenger | Donations trickle in for local 9-11 memorial
The 9-11 Liberty Memorial Committee is raising money to construct a tribute to those who died during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
“Unlike the winds of Hurricane Isabel and the heavy rains of this past week, contributions trickled in for the memorial,” said Janet Ellis, chairman of the 9-11 Liberty Memorial Committee.?
Twelve donations totaling $599.85 came in this week, bringing the total to $20,525.49.
A total of $300,000 needs to be raised to build and maintain the memorial will be built on the grounds of the McCoart Administration Center, the county’s administrative complex on the Prince William Parkway.
The committee is asking businesses to help by sponsoring employee collection drives and perhaps even matching employee contributions dollar for dollar.
Ellis said she is hoping other businesses will meet the challenge posed by Northern Virginia Electrical Cooperative to top its $5,000 donation. To date, there have not been any challengers.
“NOVEC continues to reign tops in community spirit,” Ellis said.
The Potomac News and The Manassas Journal Messenger will list those who have contributed during the previous week.
The following are those individuals and organizations: Judith M. Coleman of Manassas; Margaret and Ernest Dawson of Dale City; Mary Phillips of Woodbridge; Karen and George Peifer, Jr. of Woodbridge; Patricia and Alex Boniewicz of Gainesville; Gayle and Russell Urban of Woodbridge; Cooper and Dave Mabie of Nokesville; Diane and Michael Roebuck of Woodbridge; Margaret and Frank Schwarz of Manassas; Alice and Walter Lund of Manassas; and Pat and Francis Reilly, Jr. of Stafford.
The following are the individuals and organizations that gave in-kind contributors to the groundbreaking ceremony held on Sept. 11: AAA Recycling and Trash Disposal Service;?Floral Affair by the Tudor Rose; City of Manassas Water Utilities; Earl Poole, P & P Picture Framing; Michael’s; Osbourn Park High School Madrigal Singers; Potomac News and Manassas Journal Messenger; Prince William Community Band; Prince William County government; Prince William County Park Authority; and Prince William County Police Department; Robert B. Loveless Architects; Shear Scapes, Inc.; Home Depot in Woodbridge; The Taste Bud.?
“Remember we must not forget,” Ellis said. “Only $1 from each resident will build the Memorial.”
For more information about the Liberty Memorial Committee and its efforts, contact Janet Ellis at (703) 792-6272 or by e-mail at [email protected]
Contributions to the memorial can be mailed to 4370 Ridgewood Center Drive, Suite B, Prince William, VA, 22192. Checks should be made out to: PWCCC Liberty Memorial.