Human rights folly

It wasn’t exactly Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe against his desk, but the United States’ recent objection to a routine vote by the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission on Monday deserves high praise for its belligerence.

The U.S. almost stands alone in its fury over the commission’s vote to make Libya the body’s chairman. In doing so, the top human rights watch dog organization is headed by a country that routinely tortures its citizens and is suspected of plotting the bombing of a 1988 PanAm flight over Scotland.

The U.S. broke with procedure and forced a roll call vote to voice its displeasure. It was joined only by Canada and Guatemala.

It continues a trend by the Human Rights Commission which has seen its membership ranks filled with countries often accused of such abuses. By joining the commission, countries can avoid UN scrutiny.

The ascension of Libya to the head of this commission shows how the UN is in dire need of reform.

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