Police Briefs for Saturday, March 29
Two people, 19, and 15, were beaten by two other people when they came out of the 8289 Sudley Road Exxon in the Manassas area Thursday at 8:30 p.m., Detective Dennis Mangan, Prince William police spokesman said Friday.
Police aren’t sure what the fight started over.
The men who assaulted the victims are black, and 6 feet 2 inches. The first is between 20 and 27, and has a cross tattoo on his right arm. The other man is from the Manassas area, and is known as “Will,” Mangan said.
One of the victims was taken to Prince William Hospital, where he was treated for broken bones and lacerations.
stolen by three men recovered by police
Three men crawled under a partially open garage door, and forced a breezeway door open to a home in the 12700 block of Falcon Drive in Lake Ridge Thursday between 8 and 9:15 a.m., Detective Dennis Mangan, Prince William police spokesman said Friday.
Police located most of the property in a nearby storm drain. A pair of Sony headphones, a cable, B.B, pistol, and orange juice carton were all stolen. Everything but the orange juice was recovered.
The robbers are white males. The first is between 15 and 18, 5 feet 9 inches with brown hair. The second is between 15 and 18, 5 feet 4 inches. There is no description for the third man.
Prince William police report the following:
A whirlpool refrigerator was stolen from a home under construction on Powell’s landing in Woodbridge between Monday at 8 a.m., and Wednesday at 3 p.m. The refrigerator is valued at $2,300.
CDs and a case were stolen from a 1992 Mazda parked in the 9700 block of Snare Drum Court in the Manassas area between Sunday at 8 p.m., and Monday at 8 p.m.
A 19-year-old Bristow man was arrested for possession of burglary tools after an officer saw him getting into an unlocked van at the Portsmouth Road commuter lot in the Manassas area on Thursday at 11:40 a.m., Wayne Kolstad, of 9042 Bonham Circle had a screwdriver, Mangan said. He is being held on a $2,500 bond.