GOP raised $10,000 more than Democrats
Prince William County Democrats pay nearly double the rent for their headquartersas their Republican counterparts. And Republicans raised a third more money last year.
It’s no surprise with Prince William as firm GOP territory that Republicans had the monetary advantage last year. How each county party did is shown in their campaign finance disclosure forms filed with the Virginia State Board of Elections, the last for 2002 filed Jan. 6.
According to those reports, the Prince William County Republican Committee raised around $30,000 and the Prince William Democratic Committee raised around $20,000 in 2002. But there was a bonus for Republicans: National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Tom Davis gave $50,000 to the Republican committee for building upgrades or equipment in November. Davis is the Republican congressman for the 11th District that covers most of Prince William.
“It gives us an opportunity to upgrade our equipment and enhance the value of committee,” said Bruce Baxter, chairman of the Republican committee. “We’re not sure exactly how to spend it.”
The committee is awaiting a letter from the NRCC telling it how it can spend the grant. NRCC spokespersons did not return calls Friday and Monday.
The Republican records show they pay $450 a month in rent for a headquarters building located on the Prince William County Parkway east of the McCoart Administrative Center. Democrats pay $841.05 for a headquarters in Dale City.
Last year’s big election fight was over the sales tax referendum. The Republican committee conducted a modest grassroots campaign. Baxter spent $482.11 on Oct. 16 for fund-raiser food, and campaign literature costs came to $2,305.47 in printing bills and $75.80 for stamps.
Entering this year, county Democrats had $3,180.95 in the bank. County Republicans, according to their report, have $7,113.29 in the bank and the $50,000 in a money market account for the building fund, Baxter said.
However, the Republican report this year has errors inherited from previous years so it does not reflect another $3,750 that is in the bank, Baxter said. The committee is in the process of reconciling the past errors, he said.
The Republican committee spent $8,644 on its annual dinner last year. This year’s dinner is March 15 featuring Ralph Reed, formerly of the Christian Coalition and now chairman of the Georgia Republican Committee.
Among other expenditures were a Greater Manassas Baseball League sponsorship, $700; Prince William County Regional Chamber of Commerce membership, $300; and a booth at the Dale City July 4 parade, $25. Reimbursements were also paid to party volunteers for purchases for committee functions in amounts like: Trent Barton, $141.20 for office supplies; Jane Beyer, $15.68 for supplies; Martha Hendley, $109.19 for dinner supplies; Julie Lucas, $101.30 for dinner supplies; and Kris Kjome, $1,165.32 for food.
The Democratic committee spent $4,967 on its annual dinner last May.
Donations to the Democratic committee included: Francis Delimba, $1,000; Supervisor John D. Jenkins, $210; Sheriff E. Lee Stoffregen, $575; Sen. Charles J. Colgan, $180; Commonwealth Attorney Paul B. Ebert, $250; Kevin English, $215; Anne Moncure Wall, $155; Francis Riley, $1,150; Robert Molar, $347; and Pat Lightfoot, $900.
Significant contributors to the Democratic county committee were also the Democratic Committees for Occoquan, Neabsco, Dumfries, Brentsville and Woodbridge.