Manassas Journal Messenger 03-30-01
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Parks Guide : State Parks/Northern Va. NoVa National parks NoVa. Regional parks Central Virginia parks Return to main page Lake Anna State Park 6800 Lawyers Road, Spotsylvania (540) 854-5503 The land in Lake Anna State Park used to be known as “Gold Hill” and contained the Goodwin Gold Mine. Gold was first discovered in 1829 with mining…
The Manassas JM Calendar of Events The Manassas JM Calendar of events is a place to find local events around Manassas, and through out the Northern VA, DC area. Feel free to suggest an additional events to add to our calendar. You can contact us here. Quick Jump To: [October] [November] The Week…
/**/ It’s My Town By Bennie Scarton Jr. Mary Bergere, Northern Virignia Electric Cooperative’s government relations liaison, has been selected to the Thomas C. Sorensen Institute of Political Leadership. After undergoing a rigorous competitive process, she was one of only 33 Virginians selected for the program. The Institute seeks men and women from across the…
/**/ February, February 7, 2001 Top News High on flying: 6-year-old girl pilots her way into history By Nancy Carroll It’s my first flight in a small aircraft, and the pilot has not even graduated from elementary school. Six-year-old Isilay Davas has been flying since she was 2 1/2. Forget Britney Spears and the Backstreet…
/**/ Monday, December 18, 2000 Top News Officer recognized for help in plane crash By Chris Newman Staff Writer MANASSAS During the Presidents Cup last October, President Bill Clinton came to the area on a DC-9 jet to Manassas airport, shutting down the airport’s flight operations to other traffic for 15 minutes. While Air…
/**/ Osbourn Park, Stonewall and Osbourn look to mount challenges at Cardinal District’s top By Randy Jones Staff Writer Osbourn Park coach Larry Nemerow has much to be optimistic about in 2001. The Yellow Jackets boast four returning first and second team All-Cardinal District members in goaltender/midfielder Patrick McConnell, midfielder Bo Lawrence and forwards Travis…