Manassas Journal Messenger 03-01-01


anti-abuse poster captures award


Louise Cannon



David S. Holloway/Staff Photographer

Several posters from the award-winning anti-sexual abuse

campaign decorate the social services office in Sudley North government


DUMFRIES – An anti-sexual abuse billboard photograph depicting a little

blonde “Daddy’s” girl with a doll in her arms hung over Dumfries

for several months last year.

That same advertisement for the Child Protection Partnership of Prince

William went on to receive an international Mobius Advertising Award for

Outstanding Creativity in the public service category.

The Mobius Advertising Awards is a 30-year-old international competition

that recognizes excellence in advertising.

“We wanted to have a sort of shock-factor to capture people’s attention,”

said Steve Tobin, vice president of Cortani and Morrison Advertising and

Public Relations firm. “Ads don’t usually grab people’s attention.

This one does.”

Cortani and Morrison created a series of eight different posters for

the last year’s Child Protective Partnership’s anti-child abuse campaign,

all with the same shocking theme, he said.

For example, one poster for the campaign features a plastic doll with

its pants pulled down. “It will be our little secret” is written

across the photograph.

“We think the approach is different from what we’ve seen in the

past,” said Rick Perez, director for the Prince William Department

of Social Services and member of the Child Protection Partnership. “It’s

really hard-hitting.”

The Child Protection Partnership is a group of area agencies and citizens

working to help victims of child abuse and educate the community on child

abuse. They can be reached at (703) 530-7048.

Anti-abuse photograph wins international service award



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