manassas journal messenger 02/07/00
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/**/ Monday, January 29, 2001 Top News School pay plan considered: PWC School Board must decide to accept or reject recommendations By Diane Freda Staff Writer Discussion of possible action on an Arthur Andersen pay plan study of the Prince William County school system is likely to come up again as board members begin…
/**/ Tuesday March 6, 2001 Top News Rother indicted for murder By Patrick Wilson Staff Writer MANASSAS A 49-year-old man accused of killing and mutilating his girlfriend was indicted Monday by a grand jury on a murder charge, according to Prince William Circuit Court records. A trial date will be set today for Allan L….
GOP candidates tangle in Northern Virginia By Alfred M. Biddlecomb Staff Writer The race to succeed Gov. James S. Gilmore III rolled through Northern Virginia last weekend leaving a trail of bad blood and suspicion between supporters of Lt. Gov. John Hager and Attorney General Mark Earley. Both Republicans hope to succeed Gilmore, but the…
Untitled Document THE MANASSAS FIRE: Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1905 For further description, mouse over the circled numbers above each building. The Manassas fire of 1905 destroyed about 35 buildings, including what was then known as The Journal Messenger, and caused between $60,000 and $100,000 in losses. This photo shows the surviving buildings on…
Untitled Document All-Area: A week-long series highlighting the best athletes in Prince William County June 27: Girls Lacrosse Read more from this series FIRST TEAM ALLISON ANDRESEN Junior defender, Osbourn Park GERALDINE GALDAMEZ Sophomore defender, Stonewall SHARA KANTZ Senior midfielder, Forest Park SHANNON KENNEDY Senior attack, Forest Park ELYSSA KLOPFENSTEIN Senior defender, Forest Park JENNA…
/**/ Thursday, January 11, 2001 Top News Gilmore ready for car tax fight By Alfred M. Biddlecomb Staff Writer RICHMOND – Gov. James S. Gilmore III defended his push to abolish the car tax Wednesday night and threatened to veto any legislative attempt to alter his plan, calling anything short of total elimination a…