Potomac News Online | Prince William County Emergency Preparedness


William County Emergency Preparedness

Prince William County Emergency

Contact Numbers:

· Emergency: 911

· Non-Emergency:


(703) 792-6800

Police (703)


· Emergency Services: (703) 792-6805

· Public Information: (703) 792-4636

· Public Health Department (703) 792-6300

· Prince William County

Service Authority

Emergency (703) 335-7990

Non-Emergency (703) 335-7900

· Columbia Gas

Emergency 1 (800) 544-5606

24-hour Customer Care 1 (800) 543-8911

· Dale Service Corporation (703) 590-4495

· Northern Virginia Electric


· Dominion Power

In the event of an emergency, if lines of communication are disabled

and you need to report an accident or need assistance, please go to

your neighborhood Fire Station or report your situation to the first

Police Officer you see.

Emergency Preparedness Tips on Web

There is plenty of good information available on the World Wide

Web regarding emergency preparedness. The following are some links

that provide valuable information that may help you prepare for

various emergency situations, including how to handle electrical

outages, how to handle suspicious packages, tips for handling the

unexpected and general safety suggestions.

· Northern

Virginia Regional Commission’s Home Guide To Emergency Preparedness,

a 12-page guide providing specific information to help you prepare

for any emergency situation. (Spanish


· Community

Services Board’s Project Resiliency

· American Red Cross,

National Chapter

Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you

to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. What

would you do if basic services-water, gas, electricity or telephones-were

cut off? Families can-and do-cope with disaster by preparing in

advance and working together as a team. The American Red Cross offers

a simple guide to create your family’s

disaster plan. Knowing what to do is your best protection and

your responsibility.

· American Red Cross, Prince

William Chapter


Advisory: Handling Suspicious Mail

· Virginia Department

of Emergency Management

· Federal Emergency Management
