Death Notices, Obituaries, In Memoriams

Submitting Obituaries:


Death Notices and In
are arranged through the Classified Advertising Department.

The charge is $6.67 per line per day published. Your funeral director
normally places Death Notices as a service; request a price prior to publication.

PHONE: 643-4414

Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM-6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Sunday: 1:00-6:00 PM


Daily before 6:00 PM

News obituaries and the Metro, Virginia
and Elsewhere obituary list under the Deaths heading (found
online on our Obituary
news index
) are written by the News Department.

The list is not an index of paid notices.

Call 649-6115 or Send E-mail
[email protected]

Death Notices and obituary listings should be submitted
to Classified and/or News separately.

All notices will be confirmed. If you are not called for confirmation,
please contact us.