Contact Us: Summer Internships

Thank you for your interest in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Our summer internship program offers full-time, paid positions for 10 weeks for eight students or new graduates. These include six reporting positions, a graphic artist position, and a copy editing position (this one is only through the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund copy editing program, however). In the fall, we offer one photography internship position, also for 10 weeks. This past summer we paid our interns $450 a week.

The application deadline is December 20, 2006, for the summer positions. For the fall photography position, the deadline is June 1, 2007.

Applications should include a cover letter, resume, and 10 to 12 clips or other work samples. As much as possible, these clips should be on 8 1/2 by 11 paper and, for ease of reading and review, NOT reduced in type size. Send your application by the deadline to:

Danny Finnegan
Deputy Managing Editor
Richmond Times-Dispatch
P.O. Box 85333
Richmond VA 23293

The Times-Dispatch, located in Virginia’s capital, has a daily circulation of 185,000 and a Sunday circulation of 220,000. It has a news staff, both full-time and part-time, of 220. We pride ourselves on enterprise reporting, bright writing, good editing, strong photography and attractive presentation. We cover not only the metropolitan area and state government but also, with our state bureau staff, major stories throughout the state. You can read us online at

If you would like to add your energy and talent to our experienced staff, let us hear from you.

Danny Finnegan
Deputy Managing Editor