Winners & Losers
The Prince William Public Library System which is presenting a series of live concerts to allow residents to experience the sounds while learning about the different instrumental voices that make up the modern symphony orchestra. The Prince William Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players will perform free concerts at the Bull Run Regional Library at 2 p.m. March 6 and Central Community Library at 2 p.m. April 3. The musicians will discuss their instruments and perform selections to please both serious and casual listeners. Light refreshments will be served.
The Western Prince William County Ministerial Association, which is sponsoring community Lenten services each Wednesday at Trinity Episcopal Church, 9325 West St., Manassas. Ecumenical services are conducted at 12:10 and lunch at 12:30 p.m. The Rev. Nancy Fitzgerald, Manassas Church of the Brethren, will give the brief sermon Wednesday and meat loaf with gravy and garlic mashed potatoes will be the lunch special.
Alpha-Bet Preschool, a small, non-profit, non-sectarian cooperative preschool located in the Manassas Church of the Brethren, which is hosting its 13th annual “Goods and Services Auction” on March 5. Up for bid in the silent and live auctions will be dinners at local restaurants; tickets to Washington Wizards’ games, Walt Disney World, Six Flags America and area theaters; passes to gyms, spas and other recreational activities. The proceeds will help purchase new gym equipment, art supplies, teaching materials and books/classroom materials for the students. Uno’s Chicago Grill, Philadelphia Tavern and Ashton Diner will be returning this year to compete with other restaurants in the “Best Appetizer” contest.
The Manassas campus of Northern Virginia Community College, which is bringing back an old favorite, “Psychology for Business and Industry.” The class hasn’t been offered at the campus for a long time, according to Craig Cowden, head of the psychology program. “This course focuses on the development, social, occupational and mental health aspects of psychology,” Cowden said. The class begins March 14.
Vandals who have been breaking into area churches on a regular basis.
Families seeking a dwelling but finding that in spite of the large number of houses going up in the area, the region still isn’t keeping up with the demand.