Manassas Journal Messenger | OUT-OF-STATE: Washington, D.C., area schools
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016 (202) 885-6000
E-mail: [email protected]
Affiliation Private, Methodist
Undergraduate enrollment 5,782
Full-time faculty – 594
Annual costs* – $41,243; books, $600
Applications – Due by Nov. 15 (early decision) with notification in early Feb.; due by Feb. 15 (regular) with notification by May 1. Total received 15,000; enrolled, 1,428.
Miscellaneous – 68 percent received financial aid; SAT mid-50 percent: 1210-1360; ACT accepted; average high school GPA, 3.53 Most popular majors International service, business administration, justice, political science and government
Profile American University is a leader in global education, providing opportunities for academic excellence, public service and internships in the nation’s capital and around the world.
The Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. 20064 (202) 319-5305 or (800) 673-2772 or
E-mail: [email protected]
Affiliation Private, Catholic
Undergraduate enrollment 3,130
Full-time faculty – 370
Annual costs* – $35,766; books, $1,000
Applications – Due by Nov. 15 (early action) with notification beginning Dec. 15; or due by Feb. 15 (regular) with notification beginning Mar. 15. Total received 3,500; from Virginia 227, of which 172 were accepted and 68 enrolled.
Miscellaneous – 80 percent received financial aid with $11,000 average value; SAT mid-50 percent: 1160 (math and critical reading); ACT accepted; average high school GPA, 3.4 Most popular majors Architecture, music, politics, media studies
Profile – The Catholic University of America is distinguished as the national university of the Catholic Church and the only one founded by the U.S. bishops.
The George Washington University
2121 Eye St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20052 (202) 994-6040 or (800) 447-3765
E-mail:[email protected]
Affiliation – Private
Undergraduate enrollment 10,394
Full-time faculty – 826
Annual costs* – $48,920; books, $1,000
Applications – Due by Jan. 10; notification by March 15. Total received 19,406; from Virginia 718, of which 255 were accepted and 76 enrolled.
Miscellaneous – 61 percent received financial aid with $30,891 average value; SAT mid-50 percent: 1220-1370; ACT accepted
Most popular majors – International affairs, business, humanities, engineering
Profile – GW offers comprehensive programs of undergraduate and graduate liberal arts study, degree programs in medicine, public health, law, engineering, education, business and international affairs.
Howard University
2400 Sixth Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20059 (202) 806-2700 or (800) 822-6363
E-mail: [email protected]
Affiliation Private
Undergraduate enrollment 7,164
Full-time faculty – 699
Annual costs* – $21,000; books, $1,000
Applications – Due by Nov. 1 (early), Feb. 15 (regular). Rolling notification. Total received: 8,661 for Virginians, 103 accepted
Miscellaneous – 68 percent received financial aid with $14,757 average value; SAT mid-50 percent: 640-1580; ACT accepted; average high school GPA, 3.21
Most popular majors – Biology, journalism, radio and television, psychology
Profile – Howard University is a doctoral/research-intensive institution, comprising 12 schools and colleges. Founded in 1867, Howard prepares leaders for America and the global community.
Trinity (Washington) University
125 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. 20017 (202) 884-9400 or (800) 492-6882
E-mail:[email protected]
Affiliation – Private
Undergraduate enrollment 1,000
Full-time faculty – 59
Annual costs* – $26,033; books, $800
Applications – Rolling admissions.
Miscellaneous – 95 percent received financial aid with $16,000 average value; SAT scores not required; ACT accepted
Most popular majors – Psychology, criminal justice, political science, communication
Profile – The Trinity experience includes great internships in the nation’s capital, excellent leadership opportunities, extensive career options, a highly diverse student body, strong academic programs and comprehensive academic support services.