Manassas Journal Messenger | School Board changes policy

Starting in January, it will be a little easier for people to speak during Prince William County School Board meetings.

In the past, anyone who wanted to speak during “citizen comment time” at School Board meetings had to contact the School Board clerk and sign up to speak by noon on the day of the meeting.

Because of a recent change in School Board regulations, that’s no longer the case.

Starting with the Jan. 2 board meeting anyone who wants to address the board during a meeting can sign up on a list of speakers in the School Board meeting room on the night of the meeting. Speakers will now have to sign up to speak by 6:30 p.m. on the night of the meeting, according to the new regulation.

The new policy is similar to “citizens’ comment” procedures in place at meetings for other school boards and governing organizations.

At Manassas City School Board meetings, anyone who wishes to address the board can sign up at the beginning of the meeting, but signing up in advance is not required. Anyone who is not signed up still has an opportunity to speak. At Manassas Park meetings, anyone can speak at the appointed time for “citizens’ and staff members’ comments” and signing up in advance is not required.

Anyone who wishes to address the Prince William County School Board can still sign up in advance by contacting the School Board Clerk, according to the new regulation. The clerk can be contacted by mail at P.O. Box 389, Manassas, VA 20108, by phone at 703-791-8709 or by e-mail at [email protected]

The county School Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month in the School Board meeting room, 14800 Joplin Road in Independent Hill.

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