Manassas Journal Messenger | Winners & Losers for June 16
… The City of Manassas, again sponsoring a gala Fourth of July celebration in Old Town. Festivities will include music, food, and fun for the entire family.
At 6 p.m., those attending can take in the rock ‘n’ roll sounds of Fancy Pants in the train depot parking lot. Children can enjoy the moon bounce and rides and others can challenge themselves at the Aggressive Ascent’s Rock Climbing Wall with a high climb to the top.
Topping off activities will be the largest fireworks display in Northern Virginia. This year’s show will be choreographed to music and broadcast all over Old Town, so be ready to be mesmerized by “God Bless America” and the big booms of “1812.”
… The Town of Haymarket, which is moving its Haymarket Day 2006 back into the community.
Last year, the event was temporarily moved to Battlefield High School due to construction within town limits. Recently, the town purchased a four-acre parcel along Washington Street at its east end.
This will enable residents to walk to the event and is large enough to host all the vendors, children’s activities and entertainment. The site also has a large number of shade trees, which will be much appreciated during the surprisingly hot days of September.
The event will be Sept. 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., starting off with a parade down Washington Street. For more information, call (703) 753-2600.
… Dr. George Bitar, who has an office (Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute) in Manassas, was named the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society National Capital Area Chapter Man of the Year at the grand finale gala at Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C., over the weekend. He raised a total of $700,000 in 10 weeks. The campaign was a personal mission for Bitar, who lost his grandmother, a cousin and a best friend to these blood cancers.
… Shoppers who take grocery carts from the stores and leave them abandoned all over the city. Some shops are having police look out for those leaving the parking lots with the carts.