Where’s Maureen?
French Daniel
French Daniel
Glass is the No. 1 most collected thing in America and the Manassas Museum is honored to present the new exhibit, “A Touch of Glass,” which officially opens Sunday and runs through Dec. 31. Calvin “Cal” Hackerman of Manassas has been collecting glass for over 40 years. He has lent more than 200 of his…
Quantico Marine Corps base could become the headquarters to all the military’s criminal investigative services as well as other law enforcement activities, if Base Realignment and Closure recommendations announced Friday are approved. The recommendations call for the addition of 3,000 military personnel, civilians and defense contractors at Quantico. The BRAC recommendations include moving the Naval…
Rural Crescent activists are preparing for a fight when Prince William County Supervisor Edgar S. Wilbourn III presents a proposed amendment to allow golf-course communities anywhere in the county. Under the current comprehensive plan, golf course communities are allowed in A-1 (agricultural), residential and certain mixed-use districts, but fewer houses are allowed and a special-use…
Man steps into vehicle just before it is struck A 37-year-old Manassas man told police he had just gotten into his car when a construction truck pulling a white trailer struck the driver’s side door and front fender of his 1998 Subaru, according to David Lane, Manassas police spokesman, on Saturday. The accident occurred Friday…
Computers were down, stoplights weren’t working and air conditioners were shut down throughout much of northern Stafford County during lunchtime Tuesday. “We don’t know whether the power failure was related to the heat. A short section of wire caught fire, connecting two transmission lines near a metal structure at the substation,” said Dan Genest of…
In the late 1800s, it housed a timber business that made pilings and railroad ties that were shipped up the Potomac River to build Washington, D.C., and New York City. It then housed a heating oil business that helped warm Prince William area homes. Later, it became a boat sales operation and marina. The Lynn…