VDOT: Winter weather stockpiles sufficient

The Virginia Department of Transportation has plenty salt and sand to spread around during the rest of the winter, said Ryan Hall, a Virginia Department of Transportation spokesman.

Hall said the region’s stockpiles are sufficient to keep the roads safe for the remainder of the season.

“We have 20 facilities located throughout Northern Virginia … full capacity … I think there is like 80,000 tons of salt and sand,” he said.

Although winter is typically brief in this area, snow removal is on the minds of department of transportation workers all year long. If they’re not receiving and storing supplies, they’re repairing potholes caused by the snow or practicing with snow removal equipment for the upcoming season.

“Snow for us doesn’t stop. As soon as winter is over, we make sure everything is filled up for next year. The crews take apart all of the vehicles, get them cleaned. Snow for us is actually a year-round event,” he said.

And the road budget is in good shape so far, too.

“Statewide we start off with $48 million dollars for salt and sand,” Hall said. “In Northern Virginia we’ve spent $4.5 million so far this year.”

The state has additional funds to pay for staff and equipment, he said.

Only a snowfall of historic proportions could stop the department’s crews from keeping the roads clear.

“If we get nine days in a row … watch out. But we don’t get that here, we don’t have to worry,” Hall said.

Staff writer Keith Walker can be reached at (703) 878-8063.

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