Frederick to challenge Rollison for 52nd District
“We need a candidate who will stand up to Gov. Mark R. Warner and the Democrats when they try to raise our taxes,” said Frederick, 26, in his announcement speech to a group of about 60 supporters at Joe’s Pizza on U.S. 1 in Woodbridge.
“Jack Rollison has proven he will not. I will,” Frederick said.
Frederick said that Rollison has grown aloof to voters since he was elected to the House of Delegates in 1986. He said he could bring new blood to the House of Delegates and better represent the needs of district voters.
“Do you want a delegate in Richmond who will work hard to strengthen our families and our state by standing up for the dignity of human life?” asked Frederick who lives in Woodbridge with his wife, Amy, and their poodle, Bailey.
“Do you want a representative who will listen to your concerns, be there to visit your communities, hold town hall meetings and be a true citizen legislator?” Frederick asked the assembly.
“I am running for delegate because Prince William needs a new delegate who is in touch with the people in this county … who will stand up for life, liberty and smaller, more accountable government,” he said.
Frederick said that too much governmental power is centered in Richmond and, if elected, he would work to diminish Richmond’s influence over Prince William County.
Frederick, who founded GSX, an Internet technology firm in Springfield in 1998, said he stood against tax increases, government largesse, increasing red tape, new regulations, bureaucracy and more spending.
” … I believe you, our citizens, know better how to spend your money than the government does, but when we do send money to the government, they need to learn how to do more with less … to give us better value for our tax dollar,” he said.
Frederick is the Woodbridge District chairman for the Prince William County Republican Committee and a member of the Prince William County Republican Executive Committee, the Prince William Area Young Republicans, the Prince William Taxpayers Alliance, the Virginia Club for Growth, the Republican National Hispanic Assembly, Americas Future Foundation and the Council for National Policy.