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Metro Business is Richmond’s most widely read local business journal and is the number one source for business in the metro area. It appears each Monday in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, which has a readership of 450,000* adults in Central Virginia. |
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Metro Business? Submit your item to [email protected] Please do not send a text attachment. Cut and paste the item into the body of the e-mail. If submitting a picture by e-mail, it must be sent as an attachment. Photos must be tightly-taken headshots in JPG or TIF format an a minimum of 200 dpi. If you wish to mail an item: Metro Business Richmond Times-Dispatch P.O. Box 85333 Richmond, VA 23293-0001 The fax is (804) 775-8141 Hard copies of photos can be submitted, but will not be returned. You are strongly advised to send items by e-mail.
If you have any questions, contact Linda Dunham (804) 775-8126 |
*Source: 2000 MORI Market Study |
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